Friday, October 30, 2009

Moved to tears....

This afternoon my boss called to express her appreciation for all of a coworker and I's hard work over the last 2 weeks. A thanks from her is as hard to find as the loch ness monster. I appreciated the thanks so much I cried! So, thanks for the thanks! It means a lot!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I need....

These 3 things:

1) More Chill music on my iPod. Why the crap can nothing compare to my "Soothe CD" that is lost and gone forever!

2) An elliptical to create my very own cardio cinema!

3) Sleep or Energy, one of the two!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Let's be honest...

Recently I have not been blogging much because I don't have anything "exciting" to say.
Truth is....
my life is always "exciting" if exciting means not dull. Why is it that I am magnet for drama? Or more accurately, why is it that despite my best tactics, I can not escape it, solve it, or walk head strong into it with every effort to just get through with as little involvement as possible.
And then, by some really ill-humored joke of the universe, when I am a little bit successful in the anti-dramatic arena, I go and mess it all up. I don't think I know what to do with myself when my life is void of chaos, in fact when the chaos meter drops to "Empty" I find myself creating leaps and bounds of it. Which causes me to start all over with the hole simplifying of drama. So as it goes, my trying to to be less stressed about all the goings on around, causes more stress.
It's not funny, seriously.

I am coming clean...
I have a confession.....

I have a problem with stress. I am unable to manage it. I am unable to recognize it until its too late and have put my poor husband through another mental breakdown because I had to get the mail AND do the dishes. I mean come on, can I get a little help around here?

I am doing a lot, but its not like I am doing more than is physically possible. I work a little more than full time, I take care of a house, I do graphics for the Diner, and I am the Visiting Teaching Coordinator, a calling that doesn't take much time. Nothing too out of the ordinary. I don't even have kids. I don't know how you all do it.

So, if any of you have ideas on managing stress, I'm all ears.