Friday, December 12, 2008

Apparently the police are bored...

Somebody commit some crimes!!! Yesterday West and I got pulled over for the lamest possible reason known to man. Just as we pulled out of the parking lot, he turned on his lights. West and I have been pulled over multiple times for many deserving reasons, and we automatically replayed the last 15 seconds in our head and could not imagine what we did wrong. We even signaled as we turned out of the parking lot AND around the corner. (Neither ever happens!) Apparently the police are bored so they just sit in parking lots now and run plates. And, our ever so generous state erroneously flagged our car as uninsured. It has been insured on the same policy number for the last 5 years. We had the policy number in the car, but not the actual card provided by our insurance agent as we hadn't put the new ones in. Since he felt like being a nice guy, he decided not to give us a ticket for not having valid proof of insurance in the vehichle and let us go with the more expensive "No Insurance" ticket instead. What a nice guy!!! Now we have to fight this ticket .....what a dirt bag!!


Melissa and Jeff said...

Wow, that is very generous of him! One time Jeff got pulled over because the police officer though he had stolen his registration sticker. Apparently the DMV had not entered his registration into the computer system and so the cop thought Jeff had stolen the sticker. The event made him miss his trax train!

Melissa and Jeff said...

by the way, jeni gave me your blog address.