Monday, November 3, 2008

Murder Among The Mateys

ARRRRGH!!!! Ahoy Mateys!!! For Halloween, West and I hosted our 2nd annual Murder Myster Dinner. This year the theme was pirates. We have a really great time doing this and going all out on the theme. I cook dinner for everyone. I usually try to plan a menu around the theme. This year we had pot roast, shrimp, fresh fruit, salad, and of course beverages in bottles. We decorated with nets, candles, chocolate gold coins, and sand. It looked really cool! We plan for months and our guests are all assigned roles and gather costumes to fit their parts. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped. This year was so much fun and a great success!!

1 comment:

WhiteFair said...

That was such a fun night!! Great job Jessica :) Thanks for inviting us I hope we can do it again next year!