Sunday, November 23, 2008

November, Twilight, etc.

I am not one that normally skips Thanksgiving and heads straight to Christmas, but this year, November went so fast it hardly seems that it was here. And, I am really longing for snow. If Christmas comes, maybe it will bring the snow with it.

I would like to preface my talk of Twilight by saying that while I loved reading the books for their entertaining value, I am no where as mesmerized and fanatical about them as most. I don't get fanatical about anything really (except my hubby!). We did however plan a girls date with all the most important women in my life to see the movie on Saturday afternoon. And, I did like the movie. I feel like the beginning was kind of slow and Bella could have portrayed a bit more emotion, and that the house was nothing I'd imagined. But, overall, it was good. West (yes, he came too) even enjoyed it as surprising as that is. I can't get him to watch a chick flick for the life of me so that saying something. The movie could have been better, I'll admit, but the first book was my least favorite also, so we'll see what they do with number two. Until then....

West and I are also really enjoying this restaurant we recently discovered and anyone in the Salt Lake area should check it out. It is called Charlie Chow's. It is on 4th South and about 3rd East. We love the all you can eat grill. It is basically a salad bar style way to create your own dish and then they grill it up for you. This is great for us because I like all the veggies you can cram into on dish and West eats rice, meat, and sauce only. Its the only way we can do it and both get what we want. Please try it.

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